March 28, 2022
Meet Our New Project Manager
Karen Chymy, Director of Operations, sat down to speak with a new staff member Amanda Meikle.
Q. Tell us a bit about what brought you to Toba?
In University I had the opportunity to work with the project manager who was leading the province’s child advocacy centre (CAC) working group at the time. This was back when Manitoba was first beginning to discuss implementing a CAC in our province. I immediately knew I wanted to work in this space. When I graduated, I decided to enter the workforce in the child protection field. My experience ultimately led me to Toba Centre and this has been what you could call a “full circle” experience for me. It is pretty unique to be employed at the very place that kick started my career.
Q. As a Project Coordinator, what do you do?
Some of my responsibilities include community engagement, fundraising, volunteer management and donor relations.
Q. What are you most excited about in your role?
I am most excited about getting to engage with community members. Talking about child abuse is difficult and uncomfortable. Inviting community members into the conversation, to learn how they can make a difference in this space, is so rewarding.
Q. What has surprised you since starting with Toba Centre?
I am most surprised by our Case Navigators; they are an amazing group of people that work so hard. Seeing first hand how they make a difference in the lives of the kids we see is incredible.
Q. What do you wish more people knew about the work of CACs?
I wish more people knew how resilient kids are. With the right help, they can overcome anything.