About Us
Toba Centre for Children & Youth (formerly Snowflake Place) was created in 2013 to provide a safe, child-friendly setting for children impacted by abuse or witness to violence, and their caregivers, to meet with service providers and to be interviewed by highly trained forensic interviewers. Services expanded in 2020 with the addition of case navigation support services aimed at ensuring the well-being and recovery of children and their families. In 2023, we moved to our current location in Assiniboine Park.
Within our new space, police, social work, medical, and other support services work together to serve children and families. This coordinated response serves to reduce potential trauma to children and families and improve services overall, while preserving and respecting the rights, mandates, and obligations of mandated agencies.
With over 3,300 interviews of children from communities across Manitoba, no matter what corner of our province a child resides, we are here to listen.
Our Mission
It is Toba Centre’s mission to restore the health and well-being of those affected by child abuse through a coordinated, community response.
Our Vision
It is our vision that every victim of child abuse, and every child witness to violence, is heard, helped, and healed.
Our Values
At Toba Centre, we believe:
- Freedom from abuse and exploitation is a basic human right
- Every child has a right to feel safe and protected
- Child abuse is both a community problem and community responsibility
- Children and families can heal from abuse
Our team:
- Personifies inclusivity and diversity
- Prioritizes the highest standard of care above all else
Our Board



Past Chair






Our Team
Christy Dzikowicz
Chief Executive Officer
Christy leads the team at Toba Centre, implementing the organization’s strategic plan, overseeing program and funding development, and working collaboratively with service providers involved in the response to child abuse throughout Manitoba. Christy is spearheading the evolution of Toba Centre to a fully functioning child advocacy centre where the recovery needs of children and families take precedence over systemic processes and system outcomes.
Christy has worked in the area of child maltreatment for over 20 years, both for mandated services and within a charitable organization.

Karen Chymy
Director of Operations
As the Director of Operations, Karen oversees the day-to-day operations of the organization, policy and program development, and interagency collaboration. As the organization transforms, Karen is responsible for managing the internal growth, internal system development, and assessing both the service needs and the outcomes of service delivery.
Prior to joining Toba Centre, Karen worked at a charitable organization focused on child exploitation and within mandated services responding to child abuse.

Kristin Henry
Manager of Support Services
In her position of Manager of Support Services, Kristin is responsible for direct management of the Case Navigation Program, engagement with child welfare agencies in Manitoba, and overseeing development and delivery of training.
Kristin brings with her 16 years of experience working within mandated services, focusing on child abuse investigations, placement resources, and family services. She has also spent time working in Northern communities and is committed to ongoing learning and implementing culturally inclusive practices into her work.

Jennifer Wood
Culture and Inclusivity Advisor
In her role of Culture and Inclusivity Advisor, Jennifer provides guidance on cultural programming, gatherings, and ceremonies, with a particular focus on Indigenous culture. Toba Centre staff, board, and volunteers benefit from her cultural mentorship. This position is vital in ensuring Toba Centre is welcoming, culturally competent and inclusive in our operations, as well as in our service to the community.
Jennifer is Ojibway and comes from Neyaashiinigmiing First Nation in Ontario. She has organized some of the largest and most important Indigenous conferences in Canada. Jennifer has also been involved in initiatives that seek women’s equality, including the National Inquiry into Murdered, Missing Indigenous Women and Girls. She is also a member of the Canadian Review Tribunal Panel.

Dr. Sarah Heath
In her role as an Instructor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Winnipeg, Sarah provides research and evaluation guidance to Toba Centre staff. She is the Principal Investigator on a research project run in partnership with Toba Centre entitled Understanding Delays and Duplication: An examination of child abuse case processing in Manitoba, which is funded by the Manitoba Law Foundation. Sarah holds a PhD in Education with a specialization in program evaluation from the University of Ottawa. Her dissertation focused on the involvement of youth in collaborative program evaluation.
Prior to joining the University of Winnipeg, Dr. Heath conducted research and evaluation in the field of criminal justice as a Public Servant at Public Safety Canada, Correctional Service Canada and the Department of Justice. She has also collaborated on research and evaluation projects with The eQuality Project, St. Leonard’s Society of Canada, the University of Ottawa Centre for Research on Education and Community Services and the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity.

Kayla Kurys
Executive Assistant/Office Manager

Narek Khachatryan
Manager of Finance
& Grants

Brynne Marnoch
Manager of Communications

Marina Lovell
Community Engagement Coordinator

Emily Livingston
Evaluation & Data Specialist

Tyler Kruger
Senior Research Associate

Emily Richard
Multidisciplinary Team Coordinator

Kelsey Todd
Multidisciplinary Team Coordinator

Sara Fournier
Multidisciplinary Team Coordinator

Sarah Craine
Clinician & Mental Health Coordinator

Jessica Huzyk
Case Navigator

Latoya Gaude
Case Navigator

Jessica Peacock
Case Navigator

Amber Meyer
Case Navigator

Patricia Braun
Case Navigator

Mikayla Wiens
Case Navigator

Silvija Boshkovska
Case Navigator

Atia Crespeigne
Case Navigator

Mike Chiborak
Forensic Interviewer

Theresa Pickering
Forensic Interviewer

Stephanie Levesque
Forensic Interviewer

Gordon Doll
Forensic Interviewer

DWW Duke

DWW Booster